First, thanks to take time to answer me.

On 28/02/15 22:50, Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras wrote:
> the symbolic link works in my pc. did you restart the image after
> creating the link? or maybe the link is in the wrong place?

Ok, I'll be a little more precise:

The file is located in /usr/lib/
My pharo vm is located in ~/lib-perso/pharo3.0/

What I did is:
ln -s /usr/lib/ ~/lib-perso/pharo3.0/bin/

Then I restarted the VM as you said but the error still appear when I
tried the code I c/c in the first mail.

Then I realized that  /usr/lib/ is a symbolic link that point
on /usr/lib/ so to be sure it wasn't just that, I
tried the following commands:

rm ~/lib-perso/pharo3.0/bin/
ln -s /usr/lib/ ~/lib-perso/pharo3.0/bin/

The error still appear, I'm really confused.

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