
Since it happens when after calling FileSystem >>#writeStreamOn: , I halted
it there on both Pharo version and I got these values:

Pharo 4:
 FileReference path = RelativePath with value
  which calls FileSystem writeStreamOn: self path
 FileSystem workingDirectory = AbsolutePath with values 'C:' 'Users'
'Ruiner' 'Pharo' 'Pharo40'

Pharo 3:
 FileReference path = AbsolutePath with values 'tmp'
  which calls FileSystem writeStreamOn: self path
 FileSystem workingDirectory = AbsolutePath with values 'C:' 'Users'
'Ruiner' 'Pharo' 'Pharo30'

Notice Pharo 4 uses relative path and Pharo 3 absolute path to that zip.
But since it works in Pharo 4 right, I think it might have been a bug in
Pharo 3 which was noticed and fixed.

Ben Coman wrote
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 5:57 AM, Thierry Goubier <

> thierry.goubier@

> >
> wrote:
>> Le 21/02/2015 21:50, Jan B. a écrit :
>>> Hi
>>> Thanks for reply.
>>> When I run this load command on Pharo 3, I get exception
>>> "FileDoesNotExist:
>>> @ \tmp\github-dalehenrichfiletreeissue142.zip"
>> This one is strange. A student of mine got a similar error on his laptop
>> (W7, I think) but it worked on his desktop (W7 as well?).
> Does on machine have a /tmp folder and the other doesn't?   Windows
> sometimes gives that error when it can't create a file.
> cheers -ben

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