
Here is an implementation example.
>From a workspace, do:

| morphA morphB follower |
morphA := Morph new position: 10@10.
morphB := Morph new position: 100@100.
follower := FollowerLineMoprh from: morphA to: morphB.
morphA openInWorld.
morphB openInWorld.
follower openInWorld.

Frankly I don't like the idea to subscribe to the HandMorph, because at
each mouse move event, you have to check for the morph A and B if they
move. It is a waste of CPU cycles.
Ideally you will want receive event from morph A and B whenever they
changed. I am surious to know if it is possible.



Le 11/02/2015 21:19, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :
> I'm trying to keep a line morph connected between two morphs 
> while moving one of them.
> When I add the morph to the hand and start dragging the morph 
> no longer receives mouseMove:. I can think of several ways to get  
> position updates. Is there a best/easy way?
> Stephan

Dr. Geo - http://drgeo.eu
iStoa - http://istoa.drgeo.eu

'From Pharo3.0 of 18 March 2013 [Latest update: #30862] on 12 February 2015 at 
10:13:28.243708 am'!
LineMorph subclass: #FollowerLineMoprh
        instanceVariableNames: 'morphA morphB'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: '_UnpackagedPackage'!
!FollowerLineMoprh commentStamp: 'HilaireFernandes 2/12/2015 10:13' prior: 0!
I draw a connected line to two morphs.!

!FollowerLineMoprh methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes 
2/12/2015 09:56'!
        super initialize.
        Transcript show: 'initialized';cr.! !

!FollowerLineMoprh methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes 2/12/2015 
morphB: aMorph
        morphB := aMorph! !

!FollowerLineMoprh methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes 2/12/2015 
morphA: aMorph
        morphA := aMorph! !

!FollowerLineMoprh methodsFor: 'submorphs-add/remove' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes 
2/12/2015 10:07'!
        super delete.
        ActiveHand removeMouseListener: self! !

!FollowerLineMoprh methodsFor: 'events-processing' stamp: 'HilaireFernandes 
2/12/2015 10:11'!
handleListenEvent: anEvent
        anEvent isMouseMove ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
        Transcript show: 'Mouse mouve event'; cr.
        morphA center = self firstVertex 
                ifFalse: [ self verticesAt: 1 put: morphA center ].
        morphB center = self lastVertex 
                ifFalse: [ self verticesAt: 2 put: morphB center ]      ! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

FollowerLineMoprh class
        instanceVariableNames: ''!

!FollowerLineMoprh class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 
'HilaireFernandes 2/12/2015 10:05'!
from: morphA to: morphB
        | line |
        line := super from: morphA center to: morphB center color: Color red 
width: 2.
        line morphA: morphA;
                morphB: morphB.
        ActiveHand addMouseListener: line.
        ^ line! !

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