Excerpts from Serge Stinckwich's message of 2015-02-11 10:02:21 +0100:
> with Uko, we are considering submitting the Pharo project as a
> mentoring organization for GSOC 2015:
> We will need your help in order to find ideas of projects.

Is there any effort make a joint application under esug or some other umbrella?

there are a few projects on labs.fossasia.org that might fit:

Create a file editor and asset manager solution with smalltalk
Create a smalltalk application for offline text search
emulate a PostgreSQL server in Smalltalk
Smalltalk SQL Parser & Evaluator

i also discussed with craig the idea of doing something with his context work 
on pharo.
essentially i'd like to use context as a tool to remote manage images.
a gsoc project could be to work out how to set up context for that usecase
(while helping to make sure context works with pharo)

greetings, martin.

eKita                   -   the online platform for your entire academic life
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Martin Bähr          working in china        http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/

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