The following works as I expect:

        morph := Morph new
                topLeft: 200@400;

        outputRect := morph fullBounds.
        canvas := Display defaultCanvasClass extent: outputRect extent depth:
Display depth.
        scale := 1.
        t := MorphicTransform offset: outputRect topLeft angle: 0 scale: scale.
        clipRect := outputRect translateBy: outputRect topLeft negated.
        canvas transformBy: t clippingTo: clipRect during: [ :aCanvas | 
                aCanvas fullDrawMorph: morph ].
        canvas form asMorph openInWindow.

        "morph delete."

but if I change scale even a little bit (e.g. 0.95), things quickly go
Check out scale = 1 vs scale = 0.95 below:
Obviously they differ by more than I expected. If I change scale to 0.5, the
morph disappears from view in the canvas completely.

I had both translation and scale working in a spike by translating with
FormCanvas>>#translateBy:during: and then magifying with "canvas form
magnifyBy: 0.5", but I want to do this in my morph's drawing method, so I
want to do both with the canvas.

Where am I going wrong here?

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