Excerpts from Martin Bähr's message of 2015-01-30 17:05:17 +0100: > i was just about to explore the StartupLoader described here: > https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/view/Books/job/PharoHiddenTreasures/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/StartupPreferences/StartupPreferences.pillar.html > only to find that it is deprecated, and i can't find its replacement: > StartupPreferenceLoader
oh, i found it: StartupPreferencesLoader now i wonder what else in that documentation is changed... greetings, martin. -- eKita - the online platform for your entire academic life -- chief engineer eKita.co pike programmer pike.lysator.liu.se caudium.net societyserver.org secretary beijinglug.org mentor fossasia.org foresight developer foresightlinux.org realss.com unix sysadmin Martin Bähr working in china http://societyserver.org/mbaehr/