Yes we should continue to remove the old key-bindings hard-coded.


Le 30/1/15 00:48, Nicolai Hess a écrit :

2015-01-29 23:06 GMT+01:00 Laura Risani < <>>:

    Hi all,

    I like to implement a keyboard shortcut for, while editing any
    text, move the text pointer to the next position after $: .

    Seems that the base of all text editing is the class
    #TextMorphForEditView. I see there there is an instance variable
    for the text. My problem is i can not find a method that
    tells/sets the current position in the text of the text pointer.

    I've tried going through the list of methods of
    #TextMorphForEditView and its superclasses. Also through the one
    of senders of #arrowRight trying to find the instantiation of
    #KMKeyCombination needed to implement the existing shortcut "ctrl
    + right arrow" which jumps to the next position after an space,
    but i found nothing.


Hello Laura,

not all editing functions are actually in the TextMorph (TextMorphForEditView ...) classes or the Text class, instead they delegated this to an editor
class (Editor/SimpleEditor/SmalltalkEditor...).
And - yes that is bad - not all keyboard shortcuts go through KMKeyCombination and KMKeymap.
The SmalltalkEditor class defines its own shortcut handler.
For exampe: cmd+shift+a -> #argAdvance:
This method searches for the next $: followed by a space and place the caret after the space.


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