Hi Martin,

this is an interesting site.

I saw your lab: "implement a REST API server in Smalltalk"

You may want to have a look at: swagger https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec
and the additional parts around it.

Swagger specs are easy to integrate into many clients via swagger codegen and swagger.js.

I think it would be a great project to have support in Zinc, or Moose for that.

Maybe this is something students would like to work on.

On 2015-01-29 5:50 PM, Martin Bähr wrote:
Excerpts from Sven Van Caekenberghe's message of 2015-01-29 22:57:57 +0100:
There are some students here in Lille that were looking for a cool project,
and this is one of the two subjects that I suggested to them.
you have students looking for projects?
there are a bunch of smalltalk related projects on labs.fossasia.org that i am 
not sure if they count as cool though...

greetings, martin.

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