On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Martin Bähr <
mba...@email.archlab.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:

> Excerpts from Torsten Bergmann's message of 2015-01-26 05:49:18 +0100:
> > > i am not running ubuntu at all.
> > and you wonder why an ubuntu specific project is not working - funny ;)
> i am not wondering why it's not working, i am wondering why it is hanging.
> if the code aborts and i get thrown into a debugger, i can deal with that
> (and
> make an attempt to fix it) but if it just silently hangs the whole image,
> i am
> stuck until i learn how to handle that.

Just a random thought.  Can you see what effect installing the slice for
the following issue has?

cheers -ben

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