It's a very good introductory book for Smalltalk in general but it is not
focused on Pharo but in IBM's Smalltalk. It has a good treatment of OOP,
and the basic classes. But if you want to learn about specific Pharo
frameworks and APIs it wont help you that much.

*Lic. Ignacio Sniechowski, MBA*
*Prosavic SRL*

*Tel: (011) 4542-6714*

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 6:37 PM, Mayuresh Kathe <> wrote:

> hello,
> would the book; smalltalk, objects and design by chamond liu be
> considered good to work through using "pharo"?
> i am currently working through; squeak, a quick trip to object-land.
> while nice as an introduction, doesn't feel like it might be deep enough
> for me as i progress further.
> i am looking at the pharo books, but, a previous discussion mentioned
> something about newer versions being in the works, would prefer to wait
> for them.
> ~mayuresh

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