I used to use a CSV parser from Squeak where I could attach conditional

csvParser rowsSkipFirst: 2 do: [: row | " some action ignoring first 2
fields on each row " ].
csvParser rowsSkipLast: 2 do: [: row | " some action ignoring last 2 fields
on each row " ].
csvParser rowsWhere: [ " a condition block " ] do: [ : row | " ... " ].
csvParser rowsUpTo: 500000 do: [ " some action for rows up to 500000 " ].
csvParser rowsFrom: 2000 to: 5000 do: [ " some action for rows between 2000
to 5000 " ].

I want to replace the parser with NeoCSVReader, is this easily possible
with the current implementation?


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