Excerpts from Lozenguez Guillaume's message of 2015-01-21 17:21:00 +0100:
>     I am on an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I trying to install and run pharo.
>     I follow the Ubuntu ppa instructions.
> I also install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 (ia32-libs from the 
> readme file in zip archive is not available anymore)

> then the command pharo return a polite :
> could not find display driver vm-display-X11; either:
>    - check that /usr/lib/pharo-vm//vm-display-X11.so exists, or
> I confirm that vm-display-X11.so exists

the missing ia32-libs nay contain, or depend on libraries that you need.

run: ldd /usr/lib/pharo-vm//vm-display-X11.so
and see if any entries are not found.

if so, you need to find out which package they belong to and install that 

greetings, martin.

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