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Hi All.

I have decided to share with the community some tools we developed at
Debris Publishing, Inc., to simplify project start-up with regard to
database access. In particular, the tools allow you to use the Glorp
interface on Pharo (or Gemstone) writing to Fuel files on the backend, or
SIXX, or native stones for gemstone. This also provides a data-migration
tool between the two environments. We have successfully backed our app by
Fuel, Gemstone, and some sections by SQL. Furthermore, the approaches can

Right out-of-the-box one can start using a Glorp interface saving data to
Fuel files on a local disk. I'll write up more material and make some
videos. There are a few demo test modules illustrating usage.

[I had to extricated the code from our user login, roles, and datasources
start-up code to draw a line somewhere; but that also meant temporarily
breaking the compatibility between Gemstone and Pharo environments. With
time, and/or community input, we can help replace what we removed or push
these tools in that direction in the following months -- but are rather
busy in the short-term. Still, this can get newbs up and running in
no-time! ]

So my question is this: i plan to apply the MIT License, and my intent is
to allow others to help fatten it up. *But what copyright do I apply? When
corporations contribute code to the community, what is the standard
approach to the copyright, given my intention here? *

Thanks in advance.

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