I think this whole discussion is about te get completely out of control.

Anyone who wants to help promote Smalltalk in the IT world is welcome - whether he or she has been in the Community for ages or came to it just the other day. Richard has been doing Smalltalk for quite a few years now, so we can assume he knows what he's talking about.

All that's been said so far is that some people do not like the use of some military terms, no matter where they come from and whether people know what these mean or not. We are not on a crusade, and this is not about conquering anything or anybody.
Let the facts speak and let's convince people with facts and deeds.

Richard, you make very strong claims about your achievements and plans. There is nothing wrong with having plans, and we even love to see results. Maybe you can share some facts before you say things like "I achieved more in a few weeks than ESUG achieved in years". I'd be curious to see what you are talking about and I guess I am not alone.

It would be great if what you say is true. Because it would mean you achieved something that many people have tried over the years now.

So: just stop mixing your fascination for WWII and your efforts to promote Smalltalk. I guess this will be very helpful in finding people who cooperate and contribute - far more than the direction of this discussion thread seems to point to.


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