We have a couple of essays published at  Smalltalk renaissance
<https://smalltalkrenaissance.wordpress.com/category/essays/>  . *We need

This is our opportunity to answer the questions, concerns, and criticisms of
non-Smalltalk developers, an opportunity afforded by the SRP, which is
drawing much new attention to Smalltalk. We should exploit this opportunity
and not waste it.

Suggested essay topics include:

- talk about actual use of Smalltalk in the enterprise
- expand on the much-touted productivity advantage of Smalltalk (many people
are skeptical)
- explain how the experience of using the Smalltalk environment is superior
to that of Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Studio, etc.
- talk about future developments in Smalltalk, eg, concurrency features, new
IDEs, new tooling, etc.
- any other topics you may deem noteworthy

So, please, contribute an essay. /Without you, there is no campaign./

Send all submissions to my personal email: horrido.hobbies at gmail dot com.


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