When you have a technical questions or request for information just do not think.
    - look on google
    - if not found ask

Report problems with precision without thinking too much. Feedback is always important.

Then if you know the answer to a question (of somebody else) or found it (because this is a challenge to answer questions and a really good way to learn) do not hesitate to post


Le 17/1/15 00:48, Laura Risani a écrit :
Hi all,

I really appreciate the dedication and effort someone generously put into answering a question. i want neither to waste such a lovely people's time by saying irrelevant things nor to sound harsh or dry to them.

It doesn't kind of feel right saying nothing when someone gives me a rather lengthly answer, unless it was the tacit agreement.

So i'm facing questions whether or not to make a post, because i'm not sure which are the right/usual manners for this particular mail-list form of communication.

My questions boils down to : how/when to provide feedback?
If for example i ask a question and receive answers from three people.
Should i always answer back
...commenting whether if it worked or not?
...only if it didn't solve my problem or if i had something useful for solving it to add? (like Stack Overflow) Should i answer back in a separate post to each of them or in a single post to all?
Are one-line smalltalk comments alright here or should i avoid them?

Any other advice on manners is also welcome. A written manifest would be nice :)

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