Sven: Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried ZnUrl>>#inContextOf:, but it
does not produce the correct address; evidently I shall have to wait until
you have full path merging implemented. Meanwhile, I have used your
'temporary hack' to ignore the deprecation; it is at least not as hackish as
my approach.
> Yes change the code of the Parser not to use old code.
As I pointed out, the Parser is a large and complex package, and I am not
the author, so this is easier said than done. It seems a bit odd to dismiss
code which worked OK in Moose 4.9, but not in Moose 5.0, as 'old code.'  It
is code which has no functional equivalent in the new code, as Sven has

Thanks again

Peter Kenny

-----Original Message-----
From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of
Sven Van Caekenberghe
Sent: 10 January 2015 16:36
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Problem due to deprecation of class Url in Pharo
3 and Moose 5.0

> On 10 Jan 2015, at 16:45, stepharo <> wrote:
> Le 10/1/15 11:41, PBKResearch a écrit :
>> Hello
>> I have run into a problem in moving some existing work from earlier
versions of Pharo/Moose. I have found a work around, but I wonder if there
is a tidier way of handling it.
>> I make frequent use of Todd Blanchard’s HTML parser and validator, HTMCSS
(!/~ToddBlanchard/HTMCSSValidatingParser), which
was originally written for Squeak but has performed without trouble on
earlier versions of Pharo. When I try to use it on Moose 5.0, I get frequent
warning messages about Url being deprecated. I have made the problem go away
by commenting out the deprecation warning in Url class>>new, but I wonder
what should be done on a more permanent basis.
> Yes change the code of the Parser not to use old code. 
>> The problem arises because HTMCSS does not just parse the original HTML
file; it also loads and parses any referenced CSS files. (This is a function
I could do without, but I don’t fancy trying surgery on a complex package
where I only partly understand the workings!) It constructs the full address
of the CSS file by combining the root address of the HTML with the relative
address of the CSS, using Url class>>combine:withRelative:, and in the
course of this it invokes Url class>>new; hence the deprecation message. 
> use ZnURL
>> The deprecation message says Url has been replaced by ZnUrl, but this is
clearly  not a simple replacement of one message by an equivalent; there is
no ZnUrl class>>combine:withRelative:, for instance. 
> Sven will certainly comment but I guess that there is certainly the same

ZnUrl>>#inContextOf: is the selector you are looking for, but path merging
is not supported (yet).

'readme.txt' asZnUrl inContextOf: '' asZnUrl.

Maybe we should add path merging, I'll think about it.

>> The tidiest solution would no doubt be to find an equivalent method in
Zinc, which I am sure exists, and then modify the HTMCSS code to use it. I
have tried to find an equivalent, but Zinc is a large and complex system and
I rapidly got lost.
> It should be in ZnURL 
> is it not addPathSegment:? 
> from class comment
>   ZnUrl new 
>     scheme: #https; 
>     host: ''; 
>     addPathSegment: 'search'; 
>     queryAt: 'q' put: 'Smalltalk'; 
>     yourself.
> host: looks like the root
> addPathSegment: looks like
>> I wonder more broadly about the strategy of deprecating functions which
are required by legacy packages, as in this case. Should there at least be a
way of overriding deprecations? (I suppose that is what I have done by
commenting it out, but it seems crude.)

This is how you can work around Deprecation warnings:

[ Url combine: '' withRelative: 'bar/readme.txt'
  on: Deprecation do: [ :exception | exception resume ]

but that is a temporary hack.

>> Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
>> Peter Kenny


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