> I'm cleaning up a lot of small issues I had with it as I write (mostly 
> refreshing/deselection issues 
> when redefining/renaming classes).
> I'm done with the pharo3.0 branch on github; I'm now merging those into the 
> pharo4.0 branch with git 
> (i.e. merging with git on the command line without Monticello merge).
> Just tell how it goes for you; even if this is not the browser you like, 
> your feedback will tell us where we can improve.


A few comments on my side.  Running AltBrowser Stable in Pharo 4 under Windows.
* In the code pane - the short-cut key - Meta-S for Save - resets the dirty 
code indicator, but does not actually save the code, using the context menu 
* Trying to open the Window Menu causes a warning - 
"MenuMorph>>add:target:action: is depreciated"


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