Using fuel should be way faster than plain textual serialization. A direct copy 
of memory would be theoretically faster but you would need to manage references 
anyway so it is not clear what can be gained.

> Am 17.11.2014 um 11:05 schrieb Annick Fron <>:
> Thank you,
> My need is on a local network from machine to machine, in real time is 
> possible, so no security involved. 
> I would have preferred something more performant than web services or XMLRPC, 
> since both serialization and XML serialization are slow.
> Annick
> Le 13 nov. 2014 à 20:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> a écrit :
>> Nice.
>> It is of course also important to note the security risks involved: the 
>> client can execute absolutely anything.
>> One partial solution is to bind the server only to the localhost.
>>> On 13 Nov 2014, at 19:17, Alain Rastoul <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> CORBA main focus is about interoperability between systems, languages 
>>> (don't know about opentalk).
>>> If you want smalltalk only remote execution, you can very easily do your 
>>> own on Pharo with Zinc http components and Fuel serializer: a small server 
>>> that reads smalltalk blocks, evaluates them and return the result (see 
>>> below an example of server and client).
>>> I don't know if Zinc and Fuel run on Squeak, but I guess if not, they are 
>>> equivalents ones or you could do the same.
>>> Beware that Fuel builds a graph of the objects touched by the object it 
>>> serializes (the block) and serialize them along the way, that may be a 
>>> problem if you have references to other big objects of your image.
>>> " ================================= RPC server"
>>> " start Zn server in background "
>>> ZnServer startDefaultOn: 1701.
>>> ZnServer default delegate: (ZnWebSocketDelegate handler:
>>>                             ([ :webSocket |
>>>                                     [       [ | serializedRequest request 
>>> response serializedResponse  |
>>>                                                     serializedRequest := 
>>> webSocket readMessage.
>>>                                                     request := 
>>> FLMaterializer materializeFromByteArray: serializedRequest.
>>>                                                     "execute block and it's 
>>> value to response byte array"
>>>                                                     response := [ request 
>>> value ]
>>> on: Exception do: [ :ex | ex resume: 'Exception ',ex class name , ' - ', ex 
>>> messageText ].
>>>                                                     serializedResponse := 
>>> FLSerializer serializeToByteArray: response .
>>>                                                     webSocket sendMessage: 
>>> serializedResponse .
>>>                                             ] repeat.
>>>                                      ]
>>>                                     on: ConnectionClosed, ConnectionTimedOut
>>>                                     do: [ self crLog: 'Ignoring connection 
>>> or timeout' ]
>>>                             ]) ).
>>> "========================================="
>>> " to stop the server"
>>> ZnServer stopDefault .
>>> "========================================= RPC CLIENT"
>>> " Client call to server: calculate factorial 100 on the other side"
>>> | webSocket |
>>> webSocket := ZnWebSocket to: 'ws://'.
>>> [ | request serializedRequest serializedResponse response |
>>>             request := [  100 factorial ] .                                 
>>>                 " the request is the block to evaluate"
>>>             serializedRequest := FLSerializer serializeToByteArray: request 
>>> . "serialize the block"
>>>             webSocket sendMessage: serializedRequest .                      
>>>                         "send it"
>>>             serializedResponse := webSocket readMessage .                   
>>>                 " read response"
>>>             response := FLMaterializer materializeFromByteArray: 
>>> serializedResponse. "deserialize to object"
>>>             Transcript show: response asString ; cr  ]
>>>     on: ConnectionClosed
>>>     do: [ self crLog: 'Ignoring connection close, done' ]
>>> regards,
>>> Alain
>>> Le 12/11/2014 18:17, Annick Fron a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Are there some libraries in pharo to do remote calls like in Opentalk or 
>>>> Corba ?
>>>> Annick

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