I tried loading Glamour and GT-Toolkit from the smalltalkhub. It works now.


Am 14.11.2014 um 22:39 schrieb Peter Uhnák:
I think it doesn't have dependency on GT/Glamour because that is now part of Pharo 4.0 core. But I see packages ConfigurationOf... GTInspector, GTPlayground and Glamour (+Core for each of them). So you can try to load these. Maybe playground isn't needed.

Also if you started with fresh image why not just switch to Pharo 4.0?


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:06 PM, volk...@nivoba.de <mailto:volk...@nivoba.de> <volk...@nivoba.de <mailto:volk...@nivoba.de>> wrote:

    Started today with a fresh download of Pharo 3.0 and installed
    Roassal2 from the Configbrowser.
    Looks like Roassal now depends on the GTToolkit and other things,
    which are not correctly handled in
    the Config.

    What is missing here?
    What packages should be loaded?

    It is a bit disappointing how unstable/fragile the things are ....
    i see that you want make progress, but it is
    really hard to follow the development when not a
    "hardcore&fulltime" User ....



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