Hi Offray !

from Pharo you can access the monticello repository with the following
code: myRepository := MCSmalltalkhubRepository location: <anUrl>.

then you can get: myRepository allVersionNames.

Finally you can get the commits informations (message, author, date etc.)
using: myRepository versionInfoFromVersionNamed: <aVersionName>.

For exemple supposing you want to list all the commit date and time logs
from your repository, result contained in a dictionary with the version
names as keys you can execute:


result:= Dictionary new.
repo := (MCSmalltalkhubRepository location: '

(repo allVersionNames sortedAs: [ :e | e extractNumber ]) asArray do: [ :v
| vers := repo versionInfoFromVersionNamed:v. result add: ( v -> (Array
with: (vers date) with: (vers time)))].




2014-11-10 14:53 GMT-03:00 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net>

> Hi,
> I don't know if the terminology is the proper one. Anyway I'm trying to
> plot a "time line" of the history of a project which is stored on [1] and
> [2] (after rebranding) and also of the commits to documentation on [3]
> using Pharo/Roassal.
> [1] http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Offray/Ubakye/
> [2] http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Offray/Grafoscopio/
> [3] http://mutabit.com/deltas/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/timeline?n=200
> Given I don't know any API of the sites, I thought it would be easier by
> scraping the data on the web pages and the using it into Roassal, but after
> testing some solutions on python, I came back to pharo to see if I can made
> everything on it, including the data collection.
> For [1] and [2] I think that is possible to send a message to Monticello
> to show all commits of a specific package (like it actually does from the
> UI) and export them with the information about date of commit for all
> commits. For [3] I'm thinking in using some combination of Zinc with
> Soup[4] despite of the lack of tutorials.
> [4] http://www.squeaksource.com/@Y-xGMSBYZmiWQToh/GJDsBRqL
> So here are my questions:
> - There is any way to say to Monticello to export all commits dates and
> times for a specific package?
> - There is any advised scraping strategy for getting the same information
> from the web page at [3]?
> The plot I would like to do is similar to the one of the ebola example at
> [5], but using high as number of commits and x axis as dates.
> [5] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31543901/
> AgileVisualization/QuickStart/0101-QuickStart.html
> Any help is welcomed, as always.
> Cheers,
> Offray

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