I'd like to use WebDoc for generating my project code doc;

I see that


is pretty much red for a long time.

Started by timer
Building remotely on pharo-contribution-win7.ci.inria.fr
(win7 32 win) in workspace C:\builds\workspace\WebDoc

Deleting project workspace... done

Triggering 30,development,vm
completed with result FAILURE

Deleting matrix project workspace...
Skipped based on build state FAILURE

Finished: FAILURE

But the green one isn't more indicative of success...

What's the status? Is it used by someone? I tried the config and it crashed;

github-camillobruniPPMarkdown184.... does not exit.


The catalog says:



- I cloned Esteban's github repo (g...@github.com=estebanlm/pharo-webdoc.git

- git submodule init update --init

Loaded by hand the packages in the submodule (petitmarkdown)

Loaded the WebDoc package (the SimpleWebDoc doesn't load, even if I
have Seaside in my image).

In a workspace:

(WebDocExporter packages: RPackageOrganizer default packages)
exportTo: './doc' asFileReference.

Which started to generate html files in doc/ nicely but choked while
exporting FFITestLibrary

Ideas why it fails?

Known issue?



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