>3 @ - <space> 5 is what I object to (and Opal allows)
with this i have no problems, it follows simple obvious rules as long as
one knows that #@ cant be an unary operator.
>is 4 - 5 two literals, or is it two literals separated by the - operator ?
but then there is no situation in which the - operator can really
operate and where a sequence of literals is at the same time possible.
ok there is #(4 - 5), but in this case the operator cant operate and
first the #()-thing is parsed and then its elements.
what has not been mentioned is: 4 -- 5, which in a certain way was (?)
problematic: my (old) pharobook (p.64) says: "Note that −− is not
allowed for parsing reasons". in this case it should be seen as 4 - -5
and one needed to keep this special case in his mind, but i had no
problems defining a #--, which simplifies everything: if there is no
special case, then -- has to be parsed as one binary operator. and i
only have an old pharobook, a newer one perhaps (?) doesnt state this.
all this just from my simple user perspective of course, but i guess the
question was not posed without reason in Pharo-Users. and this simple
user prefers freedom over paternalism anyday.