> What do you mean by a lot?
another problem I had was with privileges ... it shows folder of a root but
when I click it it throws DirectoryDoesNotExist and not PermissionDenied
(or something); but this is negligible issue - i clicked on the folder
randomly to try the Inspector.

Also as mentioned above it shows hidden folders. Hidden folders are hidden
for a reason so I would expect navigator to respect it.
And last (for now) is sorting names. By default it doesn't sort and if i
sort by name it mixes files and folders.

But there is really no point in iterating these issues... all I want to
have is regular FileOpen/FileClose dialog.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 10:50 PM, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > It is indeed known that Pharo cannot open files larger than 4GB (even
> that after you setup the VM specifically).
> It seems like Pharo bug
> 1. FileReference>>gtInspectorItemsIn: composite
> ...
> column: 'Size' evaluated: [:each | each humanReadableSize] width: 100;
> ...
> 2. FileReference>>humanReadableSize
> ^ self size humanReadableSIByteSize
> 3. MessageNotUnderstood: False>>humanReadableSIByteSize
> because "self size" returns false for files > 4GB so it fails and thus I
> cannot navigate to folders with such files (for example my home directory).
> >
> http://www.humane-assessment.com/blog/creating-custom-browsers-out-of-inspector-extensions/
> Thank you that looks interesting, however I would still have to add
> somehow "favorite folders"
> > Let's start from use cases. What do you need to achieve?
> For example I want to export a picture from Roassal and want to save it
> somewhere. So I would expect a reasonable file save dialog to open so I can
> choose a place to store it in and not a bare text input.
> The same would go for opening... I want to open some file so I would open
> file dialog, click on a favorite folder then the file and done... not crawl
> hundred places.
> I mean this is nothing unusual, every
> https://help.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.2/figures/file-save-dialog.png.en_GB
> operating https://msdn.microsoft.com/dynimg/IC394766.png system
> http://www.productivityorchard.com/wp-content/uploads/File-Save-Dialog.png
> can do it and it is very handy.
> Peter
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 10:09 PM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I checked out the file browser GT Inspector (I hope that is what you
>>> were referring to), unfortunately it's crashing a lot for me (it seems it
>>> can't figure out file size for large files (~4GB) and some other stuff
>>> (sockets?)).
>> What do you mean by a lot? Could you detail the crashing scenarios?
>> It is indeed known that Pharo cannot open files larger than 4GB (even
>> that after you setup the VM specifically).
>>> However I don't know if Glamour is planning to turn it into full file
>>> browser or just keep for quick inspection (especially considering that most
>>> people apparently don't really need such thing).
>> Glamour is not the same as GT. Glamour is an engine for building
>> browsers. GT is the IDE that is built on top of Glamour. The interesting
>> thing with Glamour is that it allows you to build your own browser
>> succinctly. Take a look here:
>> http://www.humane-assessment.com/blog/creating-custom-browsers-out-of-inspector-extensions/
>>> At least to me it seems that right now enhancing the FileBrowser would
>>> be simpler.
>> But thank you for the responses, I'll try to play with it a bit and
>>> perhaps something good will come out of it.
>> Let's start from use cases. What do you need to achieve?
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>>> Peter
>>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 4:41 PM, p...@highoctane.be <p...@highoctane.be>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Is anyone actually using FileBrowser? Because either no one does or I
>>>>> doing something wrong.
>>>>> My problem is that it is very uncomfortable to navigate filesystem.
>>>>> There is no way to quickly navigate to common folders (like roots of 
>>>>> system
>>>>> drives and home directory). Also hidden files/folders are shown by default
>>>>> which means there is always hundred folders.
>>>>> I would love to have these things streamlined, ideally with the option
>>>>> to add custom shortcuts (see picture)... so much for opening files.
>>>>> As far as saving goes the only way I found to actually save file is to
>>>>> manually type the full path without the option to choose a folder through
>>>>> GUI. But since this is the way the "Save image as..." works it leads me to
>>>>> believe that no one is actually using it regularly, because outside of
>>>>> saving a file to same folder as image such behavior seems useless.
>>>>> So is this something that has been considered or no one really needs
>>>>> this?
>>>> I do use the FileBrowser but it is indeed in need of serious love. But
>>>> on Linux, I am on Midnight Commander, and there is nothing to the beat it.
>>>> Most of the time, I use the FileBrowser to deal with my project files
>>>> which are in the image directory or subfolders.
>>>> But there are quite a number of hooks (for files and directories) in
>>>> the tool so one can extend it in a couple hours.
>>>> It is worth a try.
>>>> Phil
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Peter
>> --
>> www.tudorgirba.com
>> "Every thing has its own flow"

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