Here is what I found.
I'm adding a doc into book garage (pharo for the entreprise)
How to create Nautilus-Plugins
Here we will give some brief explanations on how to create your own
plugin. By the way there are only two requirements
to create a Nautilus-Plugin:
• the class should inherit from AbstractNautilusPlugin
• it should implement #registerTo: aModel
Announcement subscription
The method registerTo: is used by the plugin to register itself to
aModel announcements.
Pharo by Example
MyPlugin>>registerTo: aModel
aModel announcer
on: NautilusKeyPressed send: #keyPressed: to: self
In this example, the instance of MyPlugin subscribe themselves to
NautilusKeyPressed, and
tell aModel’s announcer to send: keyPressed to the instance.
Pharo by Example
So each time a key will be pressed in a Nautilus window the
methodkeyPressed: will be called.
Pharo by Example
If you want your plugin to add a graphical widget to Nautilus you should
override the display method.
This method should return the Morphic element you want Nautilus to
display. By default the method returns nil to
notify Nautilus not to display anything.
Pharo by Example
morph := LabelMorph new contents: '';
enabled: false; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; hResizing: #spaceFill;
^ morph
Pharo by Example
You can also redefine the following methods on the class side:
• #defaultPosition : defines the default position of the morph (pos-
sible values are {#top, #middle, #bottom, #none}). The default value is
• #possiblePositions:answersacollectionofthepossiblepositions the widget
could adopt.
And finally you could redefine the name method to change the name
displayed in the Nautilus Plugin Manager.
Pharo by Example