2014-10-29 15:54 GMT+01:00 Mark Rizun <mri...@gmail.com>:

> This is the one which sounds difficult for me. Patterns are fairly global
>> in nature, and they may match synonyms (i.e. methods of the same name but
>> with different meanings), so I'm worried about the mastery of my changes.
>> For an isNil ifTrue: to ifNil:, it's easy. But for an indexAt: to at:
>> because I'm changing an internal API, I'd like a better preview of what it
>> will affect before launching it (or a way to examine the resulting changes,
>> which is a bit convoluted).
> You will see upcoming changes in Changes browser, so you can decide if
> it's what you really want.

You mean the changes tool in Monticello ?

> It's like applying refactoring.

Hum. Yes.

> I think this is already available, you just have to use it (or trigger it).
> I'm not aware of this kind of things, can you specify where it is
> available?
> In that case, I would keep the old node, and simply try to find where is
>> the old node equal in the new ast when undoing (or when building the menu
>> to show that an undo is possible on that node).
> That's pretty much the same what I'm doing.

Oh well, then you're done ;)


> Mark

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