I've contacted the OpenDBX development group and they seem to be unwilling to add the "UNKNOWN" types to their library. So, that leaves us with solving the problem in the GLORP framework.
The big problem is the GlorpOpenDbxDriver is asking the DBXRow for its value - not rawValue, thereby triggering the DBXTypeNotSupported object to throw an exception. My suggestion is that framework needs to be enhanced to deal with this problem and not force every developer to have to bypass/override chunks of the Glorp framework whenever an "UNKNOWN" type is returned. I have some ideas how to overcome this dilemma. However, I think that I may need to move this conversation to the Glorp group. ----- Brad Selfridge -- View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-OpenDBXDriver-Unsupported-data-type-UNKNOWN-tp4785813p4787306.html Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.