On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com > wrote:
> 2014-10-23 17:04 GMT-03:00 Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>: > > >> Why do you use the pharo shell script instead of pharo-vm with > >> --no-display? Is there any benefit other than having the pwd set to > >> the image location? And hence, the argument script should be relative > >> to the image. > > > > No particular reason, mostly because I hate adding the --no-display > > But yes, I usually bypass the script and use the executable directly. > > I don't know how Pharo resolves the file names by default. > > Pharo's FileLocator seems to provide something similar to the > Dolphin's FileLocator I'm used to work with (see attached image) to > avoid the "resolution guessing" of relative paths when defined in the > context of a script or app code (e.g. to specify template files). > I should use it more. :) > > > All this sharing, talking & discussing, even over small issues and style > is important, we can all learn a lot from each other and save time and > money. > > Absolutely. > > I'd like to know the development process of others, from SCM to > building, deploying and server provisioning. > > After a year o Pharo development I think I'm ready to embrace a CI > server (I already use scripts to build images), but I think I will > move all my repositories to git before. > I have been using Jenkins for a while, due to Sebastian kicking my ass to do so. I am very glad I did. It brings a lot of confidence in rebuilding it all quickly. > However, my remote server provisioning is still manual, and too > rudimentary even for my own taste. If I could speed up this, I would > deliver features faster to my customers. Now everything runs inside a > two week sprint window. > Now investigating Ansible (and the hello-pharo project on GH as a start). Takes a moment to sink in but it is very useful. I see that you use supervisord. I am looking into monit for keeping things alive. Maybe can we compare notes on these. Phil > Regards, > > Esteban A. Maringolo >