
I also disagree with Alex.

Examples will become tests (see the work of Markus Gaelli and Adrian Kuhn)
and they should be casually connected with the class and intention they
test or provide example for. The other thing is that examples should be
composable via code. And of course, they should be browsable.

They will be close to the class by default, but it does not mean that in
the class will be the only way. For example, we can well imagine having
helper classes for holding examples, but most classes would not need that I

As for pragmas, they are a better mechanism for describing intent than a
method naming convention is. If nothing else, it lets us freedom in naming
the method.

It's true that at this point, pragmas are hard to browse, but this will not
remain like this for long :)


On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 9:14 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> I agree with Thierry but I disagree with Alex :)
> What is cool is that when you browse a widget class that you get all the
> examples for this class.
> Stef
>  I am also not a big fan of using pragmas. To me, it looks like an ad hoc
>> approach to have examples close to the class. In the same spirit: Why not
>> having tests in the same class? Would it not be cool? Of course not.
>> In Roassal we have a class for examples (similar to TestCase).
>> Alexandre
>>  Le 22-10-2014 à 14:51, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com> a
>>> écrit :
>>> Hi all,
>>> by principle, I'd be against extending so much the pragmas... from a
>>> design point of view they look like #defines and macros, that is an
>>> additional language to learn, without a correct support of the tools (no
>>> debug on pragmas, non-obvious behavior triggers, search for pragma users
>>> difficult, not documented).
>>> Alexandre, your idea of infering properties from the source code looks a
>>> lot more interesting (and with a lot more potential).
>>> Thierry
>>> Le 22/10/2014 19:38, Alexandre Bergel a écrit :
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I have doubt that #example: will be enough in the case of Roassal.
>>>> Having a code example browser is indeed important and having a descent
>>>> way to search for the examples is also important. I am thinking to stick to
>>>> #example and infer some categories from the source code (e.g., if the
>>>> method contains a Zinc class, then it may be categorized in network).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Alexandre
>>>>  Le 22-10-2014 à 7:38, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> a écrit :
>>>>> Hi Tudor,
>>>>> that should be easy now: look at CompiledMethod>>#isExampleMethod
>>>>> which can be adopted as needed.
>>>>> Checking for the <example> pragma could be done this way:
>>>>>    self pragmas anySatisfy: [:pragma | pragma keyword = #example ]
>>>>> but we should think first if this is enough.
>>>>> I already proposed to not only annotate with a pragma <example> but
>>>>> additionally give a category.
>>>>> Like this:
>>>>>    <example: 'Graphics'>
>>>>>    <example: 'Network'>
>>>>> This way we can easily build an example browser for our users where
>>>>> people can go through
>>>>> their point of interest and browse the examples.
>>>>> Maybe we should also rethink pragmas (in Pharo 5.0?) in general to be
>>>>> more Smalltalk
>>>>> like:
>>>>>    <Example category: 'Graphics'>
>>>>> where Example is a real class in the system (!). One can even make it
>>>>> more explicit
>>>>> then
>>>>>    <ExampleCategory graphics>
>>>>> with ExampleCategory(class)>>graphics returning a translateable
>>>>> string. People can add
>>>>> own categories and one easily knows about already available ones.
>>>>> Now that classes can have properties in Pharo 4.0 already I would like
>>>>> to see a unification
>>>>> for methods and classes here (with the general concept of an
>>>>> "Annotation" in our metamodel).
>>>>> In my opinion a method pragma is just a special form of annotating a
>>>>> method.
>>>>> And annotating classes is usefull as well (for instance you want to
>>>>> annotate a class with
>>>>> the appropriate Table name in an ORM framework, ...)
>>>>> A comment (in a method or in a class) is also nothing more than a
>>>>> special annotation.
>>>>> A class/method category is also an annotation. If unified a method or
>>>>> a class could
>>>>> be in one or more categories. Even a break point for an expression is
>>>>> IMHO just an
>>>>> annotation.
>>>>> Bye
>>>>> T.
>>>>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014 um 10:43 Uhr
>>>>> Von: "Tudor Girba" <tu...@tudorgirba.com>
>>>>> An: "Pharo Development List" <pharo-...@lists.pharo.org>
>>>>> Cc: "Any question about pharo is welcome" <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
>>>>> >
>>>>> Betreff: Re: [Pharo-dev] Clickable class side example and initialize
>>>>> methods in Pharo 4.0
>>>>> Hi Torsten,
>>>>> Thanks for this. This is indeed the way to go.
>>>>> Just to let you know, the example infrastructure is also being
>>>>> developed in the context of GT, so we have a healthy interest overlap 
>>>>> which
>>>>> is great. Only in our case, the discovery of the example happens through 
>>>>> an
>>>>> <example> pragma. Would it be possible to change your slice to use this
>>>>> pragma instead of the example* convention?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Doru
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 9:19 AM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de>
>>>>> wrote:One addition I implemented for Nautilus is that one can run examples
>>>>> directly
>>>>> in the browser just by clicking on class side example methods icons.
>>>>> See https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/13892/Example-methods-
>>>>> should-be-runnable-in-Nautilus[https://pharo.
>>>>> fogbugz.com/f/cases/13892/Example-methods-should-be-
>>>>> runnable-in-Nautilus]
>>>>> for a picture.
>>>>>             AND LET THE SELECTOR START WITH "example".
>>>>> This way people will easily see that it is an example and can run
>>>>> them. Additionally it
>>>>> would help to put them into a category like "examples". So be a good
>>>>> citized and
>>>>> provide not only class comments but also examples for others to study.
>>>>> Side note:
>>>>> ==========
>>>>> It is also possible to click on the icon of class side initialize
>>>>> methods so the
>>>>> class get reinitialized (after a confirmation to avoid false clicking).
>>>>> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/13894/Class-side-
>>>>> initialize-methods-should-be-runnable-in-Nautilus[https://
>>>>> pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/13894/Class-side-initialize-
>>>>> methods-should-be-runnable-in-Nautilus]
>>>>> Both issues are already integrated.
>>>>>   --
>>>>> www.tudorgirba.com[http://www.tudorgirba.com]
>>>>> "Every thing has its own flow"


"Every thing has its own flow"

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