On 13/10/14 01:31, DiegoSanchez wrote:
Hi everybody! This is my first post
Welcome :)
In which image version are you?
and I'm posting this question after
going around this forum without finding answer for my question. I couldn't
wrap my mind around it.
Here is the issue (in fact it is not a issue, classes work fine).
I want to uncompress a zip file and file in the content of one of the file
included in zip file. For instance:
The file 'tp1.zip' contains just one file inside it: 'test.st'.
Once I uncompressed it, using code bellow:
I found that file stream has a set of leading characters which cannot be
interpreted by *CodeInterpreter*.
Here you will fine these leading characters:
/Hexa characters/
*ef bb bf *
/Ascii characters/
*ef bb bf *
Indeed, this leading characters are written by the fileOut process and it's
ok (those are magic number which depend on the SO) but I don't know how to
skip it for CodeInterpreter to be able fileIn this file.
My first solution was skipping this characters through the use of
/Stream>>next: 4/. But I'm looking for a much portable solution.
Somebody went through this problem?
Thanks for help in advance.
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