Hi Julien,

it should be possible on Linux and Mac OS by loading GitFileTree and using an url like: 'gitfiletree://bitbucket.com/owner/reponame&protocol=git'.



Le 08/10/2014 10:44, Julien Delplanque a écrit :

Is it possible to use Metacello to load a Pharo project from a private
git repository hosted on bitbucket for example? If it is, how?

To load project from github I use:

Metacello new
     baseline: 'Project';
     repository: 'github://owner/reponame/repository';

Is there a prefix for a git repository that is not hosted on github?

Also, I think Metacello use HTTP to download the project, am I right? Is
it possible to make it use ssh?

Thanks in advance,


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