Must be a thing about European "guys" ...


- ByteString is needed for most european/occidental people who don't care
about internationalization and should stay because Pharo is an
european/english based system , also not to break existing code
(again will be transparent to most users for same reason).


Of all reasons to retain ByteString, let's hope this one is not listed,
lest we appear ridiculous in our threads.


On 26 September 2014 18:22, Alain Rastoul <> wrote:

> Le 26/09/2014 20:47, stepharo a écrit :
>> I'm not expert and I would like to know what people think.
>> But I think that we should consider
>>      - the impact of spur new object format. I would like to have
>> unicode and clean the leadChar
>> Stef
>>  Just to start a new thread about that, because it deserves it
> and also some people might appreciate :)
> (was in: "Ridiculous we are").
> I may not be the most qualified to state on that but I give my 2c
> (this is a community isn't it ? please do not flame...)
> As Sven said, the situation is not so bad (quite good in fact): Pharo has
> true unicode built-in support with WideString and encoders (great job, IMHO
> this part of Zn components should be in the base system
> or in an internationalization package  not hidden in an htpp components
> package).
> - encoding support has to be in the system : ZnEncoders(?) for utf8,
> unicode and other encoders for locale support because of existing system
> basis, web (utf8) and internationalization.
> - this will be transparent: Smalltalk is a typeless langage, one do not
> have to specify String type (ByteString or WideString)
> - Spur new character encoding is very interesting (in alpha stage now) and
> will be transparent for the same reason (though I'm still wondering of the
> 32bits/64 bits encoding on a 64 bits vm?).
> - ByteString is needed for most european/occidental people who don't care
> about internationalization and should stay because Pharo is an
> european/english based system , also not to break existing code
> (again will be transparent to most users for same reason).
> - some parts of the system seems to be not "WideString/unicode aware" :
> Pasting a Greek string in a workspace shows hieroglyphs (editors? morph?),
> but GT Inspector display is ok.
> Font plugin seems to require little work : uses fopen instead of _wfopen
> (utf16 version) on windows and needs utf8 convertion on unix.
> may be a check with File plugin (and other system related plugins) is also
> needed?
> In short, some little additionnal work but a very good basis.
> (but what is leadChar about?)
> Regards,
> Alain

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