Maybe ... would anyone be interested in giving it a try? :)


On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 12:57 AM, Ben Coman <> wrote:

>  Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the feedback. Indeed, your points are much inline with where we
> should go next.
> On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
> <> wrote:
>  Hi Doru,
> I really like the advancements in this direction. If fact what I have
> trying to do, as a newbie, by making a Glamorous Toolkit powered
> outliner/tree like interface for writing structured documents tries
> something similar. I think that writing is mainly a non-linear experience
> and the usual metaphors of document processors are not powerful enough in
> expressing/exploring the structure of ideas in the writing process (some
> thought about it ane examples about how implement non-linear academic
> writing are in [1], in Spanish).
> [1]
> forma-en-que-escribo-para-el-doctorado.html
> I would like to create Visual Data Narratives inside Pharo/Moose/Roassal
> that use file system and web, and LateX as "exportation formats", but where
> the writing/structuring experience happen mainly inside Pharo. For that
> persistence/change of trees is important, but as I have documented in other
> threads, I'm having problems with it, using Glamorous Toolkit (specifically
> on updating objects from text panes and from emergent windows for tree
> names/properties).
> With your post, I'm wondering who difficult is:
> a. To put support to Pillar/Markdown inside text panes (something similar
> to the "smalltalkCode" message for showing Smalltalk in text panes but with
> "pillarCode" or "markdownCode" (or some dictionary with the #syntax keyword
> and the language as a value).
>  That is precisely what already happened. If you load the code, you can take
> a look at the FileReference>>gtInspectorPillarIn: method to see how to
> specify the presentation.
>  b. To execute some parts of the code, for example the ones that are inside
> "[[[" "]]]" while the cursor is there, so we could not only preview
> imagages, but also execute code for visualizations or other computations
>  Exactly. That should definitely be a direction. We need to experiment here
> with the exact semantics. For example, you will not always want to execute
> the code. Or not all code is meant to be executed.
>  c. The ability to support drag and drop to files to the tree (a Glamorous
> Tree) and get some kind of node pointing to that file.
>  That is indeed something I would want as well. For example, we should be
> able to drag and drop a pier file from the outside and spawn an editor on
> it.
>  d. Tha ability to preview thumbnail images in a similar way of the
> "contextual places" for printing described on your post at [2]
> [2]
>      Yes. This will likely come soon :)
> e. The hability to show a preview of the pdf/html in an emergent lateral
>  panel in a simlar way to what TeXStudio or TeXmaker do[3]
> [3]
> I do not know how to do it at this time. For this purpose, we would need to
> be able to embed a browser in a Pharo UI, and I am not aware of how to do it
> Maybe...
> cheers -ben
>    So here I put my other ideas about "bringing liveliness to documentation"
> as you said and I would like to build them together.
>  Great. Please keep experimenting and keep us posted.
> Cheers,
> Doru
>  Cheers,
> Offray
> Ps: In the other threads I'm asking about how to advance in the outliner
> metaphor for live doc writing on Pharo/Moose/Roassal. I'll keep you posted.
> On 09/07/2014 08:41 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>  Hi,
> Documentation is important. To make it more likely and more enjoyable for
> people
> to write more of it, I teamed up with Andrei and Jan to build up support
> for
> Pillar in the GTInspector.
> The current solution brings the following:
> - Pillar specific syntax highlighting including Shout highlighting for
> code snippets
> - Embedded files validation and preview possibility
> - Quick browsing of Pillar book projects when inspecting the book folder
> - Class comment rendering using Pillar syntax when inspecting the class
> object
> - Text editor support for custom highlighting in Glamour (using Rubric
> for now)
> - Island parsing for quick specification of incomplete parser
> You can learn more about it 
> here:
> with-the-gtinspector
> Inline image 1
> There is much more to do in this direction, and I would be happy to
> inspire some
> of you to join forces. Please let us know what you think.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> <> <>
> "Every thing has its own flow"


"Every thing has its own flow"

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