
Am 05.09.14 um 15:36 schrieb Esteban A. Maringolo:

2014-09-05 3:53 GMT-03:00 <>:
I disagree ;-)
Am 04.09.14 um 17:09 schrieb Esteban A. Maringolo:
2014-09-04 11:18 GMT-03:00 François Stephany <>:
Where is the best place to ask about Glorp by the way?
I wonder the same.
The official discussion group is!forum/glorp-group
But it is not very active.

So IMHO, for Pharo use this is the best place, and for VisualWorks its
own mailing list.
I am a Glorp user, but not on Pharo, and I am very much interested in
problems people might find or - more interestingly - solve with Glorp.
I forgot about you! even when I follow your blog.
You're the only person/project I know uses Glorp in VA.
so assuming I am the only Glorp user on VA (I am not, btw.), your argument would mean I should rather ask on the VA mailing list where I will be even less likely to find answers, because there are no Glorp users there at all ;-)

Not sure I like the idea ;-)

And don't forget the VW(NC) users of Glorp. They might have problems with Glorp as well.
 From my experience with using Glorp on VA Smalltalk, it is sometimes very
hard to tell if you have a general Glorp problem or some porting error in
front of you.
Test coverage is pretty good, but I've been bitten by what you mention.
That's how I realized the port I'm using is outdated.

So I would say the primary group for Glorp questions should be
the Glorp google group (see your link above).
Another argument: if we followed your advice for every
library/tool/framework, wouldn't this pollute the Pharo Mailing list?
I know, but I really don't know who reads Glorp mailing list, and
particularly *how often*.

Francois asked about GLORP here and got a bunch of responses in a
couple of hours, had he asked the same in Glorp's mailing list and
probably would have got a "please ask in the Pharo mailing list about
its port" response.
And this is no critic to Alan nor anybody there, it's just a matter of
how active a mailing list is and how "foreign" Pharo's version is,
they simply don't know what Pharo has.

And, if I remember correctly, most answers on this list were of the kind that says "I think I know someone who heard about somebody who once did a Glorp port to Pharo, but I think it is dated".

Do we expect Alan or Niall or Tim to read the Pharo mailing list to answer Glorp questions?
I am not sure they'll like the idea.

BTW: I thought tha VAST version is also foreign, but these days the port on VAST is pretty current and the feeling is gone.

So, as long as I am not sure if a problem is a Glorp bug or one of my port, I think the Glorp list is the right place for it. I'd rather get input from Pharo, VisualWorks and VAST users than none or the kind I just mentioned - I am glad that Maarten, Alan and you (and others) are on the Glorp list - and we all use different dialects!



Esteban A. Maringolo

Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel
Fliederweg 1               
D-71640 Ludwigsburg        
Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1

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