As of your requirements there is very few business logic, and lot of data entry. With the estimation you gave about data size, I would try STON straightforward to start prototyping.
see (for example)
and EnterprisePharo.pdf, there is a chapter on STON (and lot of other interesting chapters too).

Example: storing 1000 couples of string (a fake user/password list) of about 23k of data on disk, takes 70 ms on my laptop. Quite enough to start your development, as I said earlier no need for a database from the start, make a DAL for your users storage that write your user list with STON and modify it later to write to a db.
Simple: the write in itself is 3 lines of code.

| users fileStream |
users := (1 to: 1000)
                collect: [  :i |
                        Array with: ('user',i asString)
                        with: ('pwd-',i asString) ].
        fileStream := FileStream fileNamed: 'junk.txt'.
        [  STON writer on: fileStream ; nextPut: users .
        ] ensure: [ fileStream close ].
] timeToRun inspect



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