Hi Phil and thanks,

I've tried this two:

Gofer new
    url: 'http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/SvenVanCaekenberghe/STON/main';
    package: 'STON';


Gofer new
    smalltalkhubUser: 'SvenVanCaekenberghe' project: 'STON';
    package: 'STON';

Both of them gave me "Error: Unable to resolve STON.

I have already seen the Gofer chapter you point me (sorry to forgot to mention that), but it doesn't seem pretty clear, because it says:

Here is a typical Gofer script: it says that we want to load the package
PBE2GoferExample from the repository PBE2GoferExample
that is available on http://www.smalltalkhub.com
in the account of JannikLaval.

Gofer new
   url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/PharoBooks/GoferExample/main';
   package: 'PBE2GoferExample';

But if I try something similar without any mention to the user (as in [1]) or if I try loading it like with my own repo (as in [2]) I get the same errror. There is something I'm missing about how to get the proper Gofer command from a url in SmalltalkHub and I would like to have it clear, because guessing is not working.



On 08/28/2014 01:12 PM, p...@highoctane.be wrote:

may help.


On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<off...@riseup.net <mailto:off...@riseup.net>> wrote:


     Last night I was playing with STON for a while. There is still things to
     learn (and I have already made my questions in the proper thread) but so 
     I have really like it.

     I installed it from Configuration Browser, but I would like to install it
     from a playground/workspace. I know where is located at SmalltalkHub and I
     can see there the Monticello registration, but in the chapter about
     Monticello this seems to be used for source control with graphical tools.
     How can I install STON from a playground/workspace instead of using
     graphical tools like Monticello or Configuration Browser? How can I know
     this from the SmalltalkHub page?



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