
How do you manage released versions updates in Metacello?


I have a version 2.1, with its spec with a dependency to 'PackageA.11.mcz'.
Later I find a bug which requires a new version of PackageA.11.mcz,
everything goes ok as in the development/bleedingEdge version, which
doesn't specify the file name, but how should I "backport" the change?

What I am doing now is changing the version spec for '2.1' and updating the
reference to 'PackageA.11.mcz' to 'PackageA.12.mcz', but I'm afraid this
isn't the proper way of doing this.

How do you manage this?

In git I'd merge the commit in the 2.1 version branch, and then the CI that
depends on such branch would incorporate the change.


Esteban A. Maringolo

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