
It's not just Global references that you have to worry about ... `self
environment` is an easy way to get direct access to `Smalltalk` ... you can
use `self superclass superclass subclasses...` to navigate to just about
any class in the system ...and this is only with a couple minutes of
thought:) .... to be truly safe you have to work a bit harder and construct
a sandbox that is a subset of the standard environment ...


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Ben Coman <> wrote:

>  Esteban A. Maringolo wrote:
> Are you going to be the end user of this?
> I wouldn't let users compile whatever Smalltalk expressions they want.
> You can't scope the globals that can be accessed by the compiler.
> CompilationContext had instance variable /environment/ that contains a
> SystemDictionary(lots of globals).  I wonder how effective it would be, or
> how horribly it would break things, to change that for a limited list.
> cheers -ben
>  What I would do is model a hierarchy of "Condition" objects used by
> "Filter" objects, which are composable, and know how to translate
> themselves to SQL, Mongo condition, or even Smalltalk expressions to
> apply the conditions to a collection of objects.
> The other way is to have a DSL, but that's a longer road if what you
> plan is simply to apply filters.
> We've done both in my previous job and worked perfectly.
> Regards!
> Esteban A. Maringolo
> 2014-07-14 12:19 GMT-03:00 Norbert Hartl <> 
> <>:
>  I was looking for a solution where I can have a textual grammar for a DSL in 
> order to specify filters on objects. I didn't really search the net because I 
> know a cute little DSL for that already. It is called smalltalk, you might 
> have heard of it.
> So what I do is putting the filter spec into the image via an http interface, 
> materialize the filter in image and store it in a database to have them 
> survive image restart. A filter spec could look like this
> [ :value | ( self sectionLabelOf: value ) = 'device'  ]
> I want to know if there is any trouble to expect if I'm using plain block 
> syntax for that task. As the blocks are injected using an http interface 
> there is no environment/context problem. I would have some helper class as a 
> facade to ease the filtering let's call it
> FilterHelper (would have a class side method #sectionLabelOf:)
> So getting the block code via HTTP I could do
> block := Smalltalk compiler
>         evaluate: request contents
>         for: FilterHelper
>         logged: false
> And I would serialize it into a database as a string again doing
> self store: block sourceNode formattedCode
>  Are there any possible drawbacks using it this way?
> thanks,
> Norbert

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