I am trying to duplicate the typed slot example in the paper "Flexible Object Layout". I did create the classes for TypedSlot and FloatSlot, but I am trying to find the best way to set the type for class FloatSlot to the class Float. In the example in the paper it appears to be set at the time the class is created however that does not seem to be an option when using PharoClassInstaller. I was thinking about using some form of lazy initialization, but is there a better way; a method anticipated by the Pharo 3 designers? I used:

PharoClassInstaller make: [ :aSCB |
        superclass: Slot;
        name: #TypedSlot;
        slots: #(type);
        category: 'BW-Testing' ].

PharoClassInstaller make: [ :aSCB |
        superclass: TypedSlot;
        name: #FloatSlot;
        category: 'BW-Testing' ].


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