
 I copied the relevant part of the pdf to project info in SmalltalkHub


On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Arturo Zambrano

> Hi Steph,
>  it is in pdf.. that's why we need more practical documentation ;-)
> Gofer new url:
> 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/arturozambrano/TwitterRoassalPlayGround/main';
> package: 'Twitter­Connection';
> load.
> there are other packages but they are other parts of our twitter thing, I
> think they are not useful for the community.
> best regards
> On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 3:45 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Hello Arturo
>> nice to see you more and more on this list :).
>> Where is the code?
>> So that we can advertize it
>> Stef
>> On 23/5/14 03:39, Arturo Zambrano wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>   you can now download some code for downloading tweets using REST and
>>> Streaming Twitter APIs.
>>>  It is far from complete but do the job we need for now.
>>>  Besides tweets downloading you can also:
>>>  - get users information.
>>>  - retrieve the profile picture of users.
>>>  - ask for the relationship of the two users
>>> Please find attached some info regarding dependencies (no metacello
>>> config for now), and manual login procedure for the first time you connect
>>> to twitter.
>>> We will work on tests, completion and more practical documentation soon.
>>> At the same time, when the visualization part of our Twitter thing is
>>> ready, we will communicate it.
>>> Thanks Rosario for her help, and Sven for advice on the streaming
>>> feature of Zinc.
>>> regards
>>> art

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