Hi All,

 Trying to recover lost changes from another (broken) image I noticed
that only method definition and do-it  are saved.

 I'm in a middle of a refactoring where I changed hierarchies, renamed
classes and inst vars.

 When trying to recover the changes, class name changes are not there, so
most of the method changes are not applicable.

 I don't know if I am missing something important regarding  how to recover
changes. I just dragged the old changes file onto my new image and then
browse the changes (where I can only see methods and do-its)

As a work around I manually did all the class definition changes
(superclass, class name,
inst var names), and re run all the changes from the "Recent Changes"
window. As a result I recovered most of the work of the last night :) (but
I lost some time trying to figure out the problem)

Is it OK that my changes file has not class definition changes? Am I
missing sth? This is the expected behavior when recovering the changes from
another image?


best regards


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