It needs to be improved (mainly missing menus actions).

check the Ondo package in

location: ''
    user: ''
    password: ''

I did two experiences (I wanted to see if I could build a browser only using announcements but I failed)
the other one is working but needs more love.

You can write on this project now


On 14/5/14 12:35, Robert Shiplett wrote:
I volunteer as a test user for this mini-B and DrGeo !

- Windows XP and 7
- various Linux

DrGeo rules !

On 14 May 2014 07:26, stepharo < <>> wrote:


        With Pahro 1.4,

        Browser newOnClass: Number selector: #+

        use to open a minimal browser on the selected method (btw, it
        is broken now)

        Nautilus newOnClass: Number selector: #+

        I get a full browser on the method. Is it possible to have a
        browser with Nautilus?
        I need it in DrGeo to let users edit scripts, I don't want
        them to be
        confused by a full browser.

    I did a small browser called ondoBrowser we could work together to
    make it simple
    for your users.

    Basically I have two columns

        Classes | methods
        text method


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