Igor Stasenko wrote:

On 29 April 2014 18:41, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com> wrote:
Chris Wright wrote
> What is the best way to get the step message sent to non-morphs - or is
> there a better way in Pharo

I'm not sure I understand exactly, but if you want to do it via Morphic
stepping, you could implement e.g. ModelTickingMorph which is invisible and
has no extent, and steps your model in it's #step.

or you could use a process:
[ [ myModelObject step. 1 second asDelay wait ] repeat ] fork.

except that you then will be also responsible for managing forked process
by implementing it.. else it will loop forever, your object will never be GCed,
consume CPU & waste memory :)
oh.. and each time you test it once more, it will readily spawn another process with same characteristics :)

Maybe there should be a SystemStepper / Cron object that can be registered on.
cheers -ben

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