Dear Sven, 

First of all thank you for your prompt reply. 

I will try and include the information you have requested. 

The SHA256 implementation comes from here!/~Cryptography/Cryptography and I loaded only the
latest version of Cryptography into a fresh pharo 2.0 image, and nothing

I need this hmacsha256 encryption for a rest implementation I am trying out,
for which I have a VB implementation and I get the correct values for both
sets of data. 

It seems that the SHA256 (encodedSignature) hex value is correct on both
occasions and the base64 encodedForHTTP value for the apiKey := '123456789'
is also correct, but for the case where apiKey := 'veQC+IBLq5qMO8oGcQupjg=='
I get the base64 encodedForHTTP value of
'AcTXF%2BlDa2kRYVm0k5jY6pGGTMXD7NsQS6tLBXRp3Xs%3D' where I should get
The two sets of testing code are: 
1) Produces correct result. 
apiKey := '123456789'. 
unsignedSignature := 'pharmacistprescriptionsget000001'. 
encodedSignature := (SHA256 new) hmac key: apiKey asByteArray;
digestMessage: unsignedSignature asByteArray. 
encodedSignature base64Encoded encodeForHTTP. 

apiKey := 'veQC+IBLq5qMO8oGcQupjg=='. 
userName := 'testpharm'. 
barCode :='1403122014500'. 
unsignedSignature := userName,'prescriptionsgetexecuted',barCode. 
encodedSignature := (SHA256 new) hmac key: apiKey asByteArray;
digestMessage: unsignedSignature asByteArray. 
encodedSignature base64Encoded encodeForHTTP. 

Is the above enough? 
Regards, Spilios 

Now I understand why I see the long emails/replies!

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