Very nice initiative, keep it on! :)
On Apr 27, 2014 10:45 AM, "Marcus Denker" <> wrote:

> Very nice! I will watch them all…
> On 26 Apr 2014, at 20:16, kilon alios <> wrote:
> Hello pharoers . I have created a playlist in youtube where in the past
> few days I am keep adding new tutorials about the basics of Pharo.
> For now I am focusing on the vary basics. So far the tutorials are
> 1) Why Pharo  -> Explaining why I love Pharo and what Pharo is.
> 2) Install Pharo
> 3) Create a Class
> 4) Workspace Variables
> 5) Instance Variables
> 6) Temporary Variables
> I try to keep the duration at most around 10 minutes , if I can around 3-4
> minutes. My goals is to focus on one or two features per tutorial.
> My focus for now is explaining the basics of Pharo the Language and Pharo
> the IDE. I hope however that after that I will have the energy and time to
> focus on Pharo libraries, like Nativeboost, Athens, Roosal , Sockets and
> many more.
> If my free time holds and I do not run out of steam, I should be able to
> produce around 30 - 60 hours per year of Video Tutorials that will be able
> to document a ton of Pharo functionality.
> Already the Playlist is over an hour long and I try to keep my tutorials
> focused entirely on the practical side.
> Your comments and support is greatly appreciated.

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