Hi Igor, 

thanks a lot, your analysis is correct, and it helped.

Am 05.04.2014 um 17:05 schrieb Igor Stasenko:
> so, without going deep into implementation details, just by reading comment
> i can already see potential bottleneck - using #become: operation which is 
> veery slow.

Yes, #become: is *very* slow in Pharo. No problem at all in VisualWorks or 
Dolphin Smalltalk or Pharo 1.2, though! 

Time millisecondsToRun: [1000 timesRepeat: [String new become: String new ]] 

Pharo 3.0 (and also in 2.0 and 1.4):
 3948 3495 2891 2532 3162

Pharo 1.2 with the Squeak 4.2.5beta1U VM:
 90 89 82 90 72

VisualWorks 7.9.1: note that this is measured in microseconds: 
Time microsecondsToRun: [1000 timesRepeat: [String new become: String new ]] 
 211 208 222 212 208

That’s a factor of more than 10.000! IMHO, someone should have a look at the 
primitives involved.

> also, by tracking senders of #knownJavaSubclasses , i see there's also uses 
> of #become operation.. 
> So, my first verdict is: 
>        - excessive use of #become ==> slow performance
> :)
> (sure, i have no idea if you can avoid using become or not, but my bet this  
> is main reason of low performance)

Well, given the measurements above, I wouldn’t say that the reason is excessive 
use of #become:, but the extremely slow implementation of #become: in Pharo 
since 1.4. However, I managed to remove the need for sending #become: in 
#findClassFor:, but not in the second place. This reduces the time to start a 
Java VM to 5-6 seconds on my aged machine (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo from early 
2008). The benchmark which I mentioned in my announcement and which took 12 
seconds came down to less than 0.2 seconds. That's a little more than the 0.11 
seconds in VisualWorks, but at least in the same order of magnitude.

Thanks again!

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