RBClassRegexRefactoring new renameClasses; replace: '^XX(.*)$' with: 'ZZ$1' ignoreCase: false; execute.
cheers, Hernán 2014-04-01 16:59 GMT-03:00 p...@highoctane.be <p...@highoctane.be>: > Hello, > > I'd like to get code rewritten automatically for a number of packages and > classes. > > Basically I've got a bunch of packages and classes starting with a given > prefix (like XXXThis and XXXThat) and I'd like to get them to be ZZZThis and > ZZZThat. > > Of course, I want all the source code to follow suit. > > I saw the option in the Nautilus menu, but that's quite obscure. > > I googled around and read the Flamel thing in the book but that didn't > helped me. > > Clues? > > Phil > >