Roelof Wobben wrote:
Nicolai Hess schreef op 1-4-2014 16:44:
2014-04-01 16:21 GMT+02:00 Roelof Wobben <>:
Camille Teruel schreef op 1-4-2014 15:08:

On 1 avr. 2014, at 14:52, Roelof Wobben <> wrote:


Im on this page now:

I do not understand one thing.

Where do I put the initialize "script"
#initialize is not a script, it's a method. When an object is instantiated (for ex with: MyObject new) #initialize is automatically sent to it.
This is the place to put your newly created object in a correct initial state.
In your class, you just define a protocol named for example "initialization" where you put all the initialization-related methods.
Note that protocols have no meaning, i.e. they don't change how your objects behave, they're just here to help you classify
the methods of a class by concerns.
So the tutorial tell you to create two methods: #initialize that is automatically called after an object has been instantiated and #initializeActiveSegments where you
put some other initialization logic, that's all.

When I put it on the initializeActiveSegments then initialize get not found.
Sorry, I don't understand.

Or must I make a seperate protocol named ActiveSegments for it.
No use the same protocol "initialization" or "initialize-release" or whatever.


I changed it so I have this :

with as classes:
  - BlankCell
  - Grid
  - MirrorCell

BlankCell has the following protocols:
- initializing-release
- testing

Initializing - release contains the following  methods:
 - initialize
 - initializeActiveSegments

testing contains the following methods:

but when I run the test-runner I see this : MessageNotUnderstood : BlankCell >> activeSegments.


Then you missed the last step on
Select "create instance var accessors" from the second popup menu. 

I also did.
See this :

Object subclass: #BlankCell
    instanceVariableNames: 'activeSegments'
    classVariableNames: ''
    category: 'Laser-Game-Model'


This only creates the instance variable.  I'm not clear whether are saying you performed the step shown in the second last snapshot on page 16 or not - but the evidence of the MNU would seem it didn't happen.  Now I'm going to extrapolate a lot a check whether you are thinking of 'activeSegments' in #initializeActiveSegments as a reference to the instance variable.  However it is not a reference to the variable (even if the name is the same) but actually a send of the #activeSegments message to 'self'.   Doing it like this rather than accessing the variable directly has the advantage of focusing access to the variable through a single point, which helps observability of variable access. Also, in a "live" environment like Smalltalk, when you have instances of class X in a running system, and you add an instance variable to X, all existing classes contain 'nil' for that added variable and _everywhere_ you directly access that variable in your code would need to be wrapped in a conditional.message like #ifNil:

cheers -ben

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