On 1 avr. 2014, at 16:21, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:

> Camille Teruel schreef op 1-4-2014 15:08:
>> On 1 avr. 2014, at 14:52, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>> Hello,
>>> Im on this page now: http://squeak.preeminent.org/tut2007/html/017.html
>>> I do not understand one thing.
>>> Where do I put the initialize "script"
>> #initialize is not a script, it's a method. When an object is instantiated 
>> (for ex with: MyObject new) #initialize is automatically sent to it.
>> This is the place to put your newly created object in a correct initial 
>> state.
>> In your class, you just define a protocol named for example "initialization" 
>> where you put all the initialization-related methods.
>> Note that protocols have no meaning, i.e. they don't change how your objects 
>> behave, they're just here to help you classify
>> the methods of a class by concerns.
>> So the tutorial tell you to create two methods: #initialize that is 
>> automatically called after an object has been instantiated and 
>> #initializeActiveSegments where you
>> put some other initialization logic, that's all.
>>> When I put it on the initializeActiveSegments then initialize get not found.
>> Sorry, I don't understand.
>>> Or must I make a seperate protocol named ActiveSegments for it.
>> No use the same protocol "initialization" or "initialize-release" or 
>> whatever.
> Oke,
> I changed it so I have this :
> Laser-Game-Model
> with as classes:
>  - BlankCell
>  - Grid
>  - MirrorCell
>  -TargetCell
> BlankCell has the following protocols:
> - initializing-release
> - testing
> Initializing - release contains the following  methods:
> - initialize
> - initializeActiveSegments
> testing contains the following methods:
> isOn
> isOff
> but when I run the test-runner I see this : MessageNotUnderstood : BlankCell 
> >> activeSegments.

This error means "instances of BlankCell does not understand the message 
#activeSegments" that's all, this part of your program is not implemented yet. 

> Roelof

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