This is beautiful, indeed (both the project and the open-source dynamics)

Keep it up.


On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Pavel Krivanek <>wrote:

> Unbelievable... I stare how open source can work :-) I started this
> project yesterday so it can hardly translate more than the small examples
> and of course it had no announcement.
> So, CCodeGenerator is the standalone translator from Smalltalk to plain C
> extracted from VMMaker. It should be able now generate other projects
> than the VM. You can write a shared library in trimmed Smalltalk (
>, debug it in Smalltalk IDE and then
> translate to C and compile. With NativeBoost binding (that will be
> generated in future versions automatically) you can use it simply from
> Smalltalk again. So you can write some parts of your projects in Smalltalk
> that will run on speed of C.
> Thank you Phil, I added you as a contributor. If others want to have write
> access to the repository, let me know.
> Cheers,
> -- Pavel
> 2014-03-26 0:39 GMT+01:00 Philippe Back <>:
> I loaded the code from
>>!/~PavelKrivanek/CCodeGenerator where the
>> generator is now standalone, from VMMaker
>> I made my own little version here:
>> Just works nicely under windows, not sure for the OSProcess thing as I
>> did the build by hand in a side console.
>> So: CCGExample new nbFib4: <print it> 30 90799453
>> It just works perfectly.
>> That's a pretty great day for integration with JNIPort and CCodeGenerator!
>> Phil
>> ------------------------------
>>    <>
>> Ce courrier électronique ne contient aucun virus ou logiciel malveillant
>> parce que la protection Antivirus avast! <> est
>> active.


"Every thing has its own flow"

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